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Pictured are five of the seven “One Mighty & Strong” LeBaron Boys (left to right):
Verlan, Floren, Ervil, Joel, and Alma

Where a Prophet/Profit is made
by fleecing his sheep!”
~Rebecca Kimbel

Cont. from Pt 34-L:
I left off last week stating: At one time, my uncle’s Ben, Wesley, Joel, AND Ervil were ALL FOUR claiming, CONCURRENTLY, that they each held the special OM&S priesthood power …

And that THEY each were God to the people — and THAT the scepter of power/Johnson mantle was conferred upon them, alone, BY their father Dayer LeBaron … who, by that time, had passed on — apparently passed on more than his keys to the kingdom, power, and glory:
He passed on mental illness.

But, amazingly, all Mother’s seven brothers OM&S/”God to the people” managed to acquire a following. And so did their sister Esther, my Mother: as “sister to the Prophet and the greatest woman in the world.” Trouble is, some people don’t recognize insanity when it smacks them squarely in the face.

What amazes me more is how many people followed these LeBarons simply because they told them they were “the One Mighty and Strong,” God’s spokesperson on earth; and so on.

My youngest sister, fluent in Spanish, presently works as a Nurse and Interpreter in a mental institution. She says the daily claims of schizophrenics she works with make her feel right to home:

They’re exactly like all the claims of priesthood power, the O.M.& S., etc., I grew up with!” she exclaims.”

She continues:
“I just read your blog [“Pt 34-A”] and want to let you know you did great in explaining the revelations and voices our mother and grandparents would always talk about.

“When I was a child I thought something was wrong with me because I never got visited by an angel or heard any voices from God.”

I witnessed the things my sister mentions, having lived from 1960 to 1967 in Colonia LeBaron, Mexico, the Rocky Mountain Range’s secluded Chihuahuan-desert community where she was born and spent most of her early years.

While living in LeBaron, I also witnessed the Mexico-LeBarons couldn’t lift up nor prepare a gathering place for themselves, to speak of—couldn’t save themselves, let alone the indigenous peoples of Mexico … or anyone else!

Infact, some of the Mexico-LeBarons and their followers were living at the same or lower levels than many of the poorer peoples of Mexico, Central, and South America.

Many indigenous peoples created far better lifestyles than those of my grandfather Dayer LeBaron and his seven “One Mighty and Strong” sons — for all their boast, bravado, and bluff that THEY were God’s patriarchal family; heir to Joseph Smith’s keys to the kingdom …

So were to do a GREAT work among the Lamanites (Indians); and build a gathering place/Zion “to save the world from the coming destructions.”

Truth is, the visionary Mexico-LeBarons not only couldn’t save anyone: Through their activities that included false prophecies, poor leadership, lack of integrity, and a backward lifestyle, they CREATED monumental suffering.

Laws unto themselves, they brought many of the destructions they preached were to come. But what can you expect from “mental” visionaries? [1]

People who come up with preposterous “profit” claims, profit most — and are MOST in need of a Prophet/profit. 

[1] Symptoms of Schizophrenia hosted on YouTube by Psychiatrist David Viscott, M.D. :

Dr. David Viscott Discussing Schizophrenia

Continued June 14, 2019: “Pt 34-N: The LeBaron Madmen: Button, Button: Who Got the Button?”

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